WinProf rev 2.0 System to manipulate, print and/or export airfoils. The downloadable file is a self-extracting .EXE-file containing the install files. Store the file in a temporary folder, run it to extract the install files. Then run Setup.exe to install WinProf on Your computer. Take care to read the WinProf_Readme.txt-file to get to know basics and the recent history of WinProf. Features
Download WinProf install file. Airfoils An archive of several hundred airfoils in WinProf-format is available. The downloadable file is a self-extracting .EXE-file containing the install files. Store the file in a temporary folder, run it to extract the install files. Then copy the airfoil files to your preferred location. Download airfoil files in WinProf format. Screenshots ![]()